Entrepreneur in action

Fourfront Group Director James Cornwell was a guest entrepreneur at Entrepreneurs in Action’s ‘Enterprise Day’ hosted at Sevenoaks School, Kent. 

Over 200 17 year-old pupils were given an insight in to what it is like to set up a business, some of the potential highs and the lows and what commitment is required to succeed. 

Pupils were split into teams and supported and mentored through a series of exercises culminating in coming up with their own business idea. They were tasked with thinking about how they would set up and launch their business idea or product, which they pitched to over 50 buyers. The trading session was a high octane activity with students competing for the attention of buyers. Following the event, Sevenoaks School has confirmed that four teams have decided to develop their business idea from the programme. The school is supporting the students with time in the curriculum to get their businesses up and running. 

James, a former pupil of Sevenoaks School himself (Sennockian), spent the day going between the groups and mentoring teams with ideas and advice, imparting his knowledge and experience in how to set up and run a successful business. 

“Having the entrepreneurs speaking to us about their experiences was really interesting and really inspired me” was the feedback from Sevenoaks students. 

James Cornwell says: "I was extremely impressed as to how engaged and enthusiastic the students became once they had grasped basic entrepreneurial concepts, and how they used them to such good effect in the trading game having had only a very short time to develop their ideas. I feel sure that there will be some very successful businesses in the future, developed with help in part from the EIA programme." 

View a video from the day here on YouTube. 

Visit the EiA website to learn more about this great programme and the other events that they host.

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